Take the 10 Minute Money Test

Get eye-opening results on how you see money.

Your Biggest Money Strength

After taking this free test, you will learn what your biggest emotional money strength is.

The Sources of Your Biggest Money Blocks

There are 4 major emotions that are responsible for all your limiting beliefs about money. Take the test to figure out which percentage each emotion is controlling in your money beliefs.

Important to Answer Sincerely

To get the most truthful feedback, try and answer every question as frankly and honestly as possible. Don’t worry.

Financial Block Test
If I made ten million dollars I would probably feel guilty. *
I can absolutely see myself making ten times what I earn right now. *
If I earned a lot more money doing the exact thing I am doing now, I would feel like a fraud. *
Focusing on earning a lot of money is not against my religious inclinations. *
Earning more money is difficult because I am already working at full capacity. *
I feel guilty if I have money and others don’t. *
If I make a lot of money, I fear my friends and family will expect me to pay for some of their things. *
I resent people who make more money than I do when I work harder than they do. *
I have a hard time trusting people to do the work that I do. I feel like nobody can do it as well as I can. *
If I had more time, I could make more money. *